Summary of New Version
CLEVVA has released Version 2.28 of our product! This new update has a new feature, a quality of life interface enhancement and an internal code deployment refinement that will enable more efficient product releases.
New Feature: Data Tagging Tool
(Alpha Release of Feature - User interface to do data tagging is not available at present, this is presently done by a developer)
- Useful for: CLEVVA builds where certain facets of the solution need to be assigned to a common tag or label.
- How it's Used: The best way to outline how this feature is used is by describing a real world example, so we've given one below
- Example: A CLEVVA journey/VA is built that, during its steps, captures key information regarding a customers future needs. The elements where this is captured in the journey (i.e. text box field, drop down, a specific step or decision) can all be linked to a common data label and then pulled from the session for use in back end systems or data warehouses for analysis.
Enhancement: Full Page Interface - Recent Sessions Search
- Useful for: Agents / Team member using CLEVVA who need to refer to previous sessions they've run or need to pick up an session where they left off
- How it's Used: Our latest full page interface, which can also de deployed as a pop up widget service bot on websites, has had a recent sessions search tool added to it. Should you be logged into this interface, you'll be able to see the last 5 sessions that you worked on. If you need to search beyond the last 5 sessions, there is a search tool which will look at the last 500 sessions to find the CLEVVA journey you require
Deployment Improvement: Simpler Deployment of CLEVVA Releases
- Useful for: CLEVVA's Dev Ops team for releasing CLEVVA or updated components of its product
- How it's Used: We've updated the code that deploys our solution to allow for more modular, efficient deployments of CLEVVA. This means that only those facets of the product that are updated, will be deployed.
Do you have any questions about these features or CLEVVA? Then send a mail to and we'll be happy to answer any queries.
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